
Actor Surjeet Singh Rathore Making His Bollywood Debut Through – Dabangai

Actor Surjeet Singh Rathore Making His Bollywood Debut Through – Dabangai Every year Bollywood is deluged by talented new actors. But 2020 was an unusual year and many actors’ dream of their much-awaited Bollywood debuts remained unfulfilled. Now, with things slowly getting back on track and films slated for release on the big screen, many young, up-and-coming talents are set to be introduced in the Tinseltown. Here is Actor Surjeet Singh Rathore making his Bollywood debut through romantic action thriller Dabangai – A different Musical Love story written & directed by Sajan Agarwal. The film based on the story of Rajasthani True Love incident. Actor Azaz Khan & Pallavi Singh playing lead character opposite Surjeet Singh Rathore. Surjeet Singh Rathore said, ” I’m happy to announce my debut movie Dabangai – A different Music Love Story. we are going on shooting floor at the end of this month. I would like to thanks Sajan Agarwal ji for giving me break and thanks to Azaz Khan for his Support”.       Dabangai Produced by Gyanchand Devpati under the Banner of SSR films. Music by Keshav Kumar & Chhotu Singh Rawana Badrul Islam. others actor are featuring Javed Haider, Rajkumar Kanojia & Rajesh Desai. The film will release on MX...

Kallu’s Secret Revealed Holi Dhamaka Of Worldwide Records Arrived

Kallu’s Secret Revealed Holi Dhamaka Of Worldwide Records Arrived खुल गया कल्लू का राज, आ गया वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्डस का होली धमाका लो भइया आज खुल ही गया कल वाला राज। जिस प्रोमो ने कल भोजपुरी इंडस्ट्री में तहलका मचा रखा था, उस गाने का फुल वीडियो सांग यूट्यूब पर रिलीज हो गया है। अब यह देखना है कि यह रिलीज हुआ वीडियो गाना किस सिंगर ने गाया है और किस एक्टर ने परफॉर्म किया है। तो आप ज्यादा दिमाग पर जोर ना दें। हम आपको बता देते हैं कि वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स भोजपुरी के ऑफिशियल यूट्यूब चैनल से धमाकेदार होली सांग रंगवा ना ही नहीं था तो बुलाई काहेला। इस होली गाना को धूम धड़ाके के साथ लेकर आये हैं भोजपुरी के सुपरस्टार अरविन्द अकेला कल्लू। जिसमें उन्होंने धमाकेदार एंट्री की है। जिसे बहुत ही अच्छा रिस्पांस मिल रहा है। इस गाने को खास  शैली में अरविन्द अकेला कल्लू और शिल्पी राज ने गाया है। वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स प्रस्तुत इस वीडियो को एक स्टोरी की तरह नरेट किया गया है। होली के रंगों से सराबोर इस गीत में कल्लू का लुक बहुत अलग है। इस गीत को लिखा है सोनू सुधाकर ने जबकि संगीत तैयार किया है रौशन सिंह ने। डीओपी रंजीत के सिंह और विडियो डायरेक्टर रवि पंडित हैं। इस बेस्ट होली सांग के कोरियोग्राफर राहुल रितिक हैं जबकि इसकी परिकल्पना अरविंद मिश्रा की है। इसके एडिटर दीपक पंडित हैं। अरविन्द अकेला कल्लू ने इस गाने को मिल रहे इतने शानदार रिस्पॉन्स पर अपने फैन्स और दर्शकों का शुक्रिया अदा किया है। इस गाने को लेकर अरविन्द अकेला कल्लू में कहा कि इस गाने को शूट करते समय भी हमने काफी एन्जॉय किया था। ट्रैक्टर पर काफी जूनियर ऑर्टिस्ट के साथ इसे फिल्माया गया है। फागुन का रंग अब लगभग सब पर चढ़ चुका है। ऐसे में मेरा यह गाना लोग खूब देख रहे हैं। आप सभी लोग इसी तरह अपने छोटे भाई पर आशीर्वाद बनाए...


ACTRESS VANDANA GAUTAM WINNER OF  THE CROWN OF ICONIC GLAMOUR MISS WORLD 2021 Iconic Glamour Miss World 2021 , Miss Asia Continental 2020, Bollywood Actress, International Actress Model, Bollywood and Hollywood Film Producer & Politicians. Vandana Gautam is a super star diva, born in India to Gopal Dutt Gautam and Urmila Gautam in Delhi. She is loving princess of her parents. Vandana Gautam received her primary and part of her Secondary Education in Delhi. Vandana Gautam is a Bollywood film actress, model, film director, script writer, producer and a national spokesperson of political party in India. She is a CEO of Gautam Production House (GPH) and CEO of Gautam Law Associates Law Firm( GLA). She is a brand ambassador of Gautam Law Associates a Law Firm and Brand Ambassador of Gautam Production House as well as she is a brand ambassador of International company that’s Orbit Advertising Company in Nigeria . She is a beauty queen and the other hand we can say she is a beauty with brain. Passionate VANDANA GAUTAM to winning the crown of ICONIC GLAMOUR – MISS WORLD  2021 AS WELL AS MISS ASIA CONTINENTAL 2020 CROWN. Recently, Iconic productions and artist media productions in association with www.lederwarren.com , Dermatouch and Dr Rashel, MISS   ICON WORLD 2021 was organized in Pune at Residency Club on 20th February 2021. The show was a stellar one. With top television actors of india, celebrated Bollywood personalities and popular social media influencers in full attendence. Apart from this show there was star studded night of ICONIC GLAMOUR AWARDS 2021, organized by Mohammed Nagaman Lateef. As the event touted to be a big success.The much deserving winner was declared in the end. From 32 amazing contenders from all across the WORLD, the very beautiful MISS. VANDANA GAUTAM was crowned by Mohammed Nagaman Lateef, the CEO of Iconic Productions along with the guest of honor, actor Nishant Singh Malkani. At the age of 12 years old Vandana Gautam was learning the lessons of politics because of her mother is politician and social activist . Vandana Gautam born in a family of political background . Vandana Gautam has passion for leadership in business from starting of her career . She always tried to do best every time and she Learns more and more chapters in her life. In her young age she is so hardworking in her career. She works 20 hours in a day. Vandana Gautam is a best actress in Indian film industries. She has acted in many films and TV serials. She...

This World NGO Day CWATY Launches Out Of Home Adoption Movement – OOHA

This World NGO Day CWATY Launches Out Of Home Adoption Movement – OOHA Urges everyone to come together and support OOHA, a solution based animal welfare movement to co-exist with innocent animals  27th February 2021, Mumbai: Today on World NGO day, CWATY, the world’s first digital animal influencer, in association with Nargis Dutt Foundation, Sparsh Trust, Make Earth Green Again MEGA Foundation and Cowin launches the animal welfare movement – OOHA (Out Of Home Adoption) a solution based animal welfare movement for human beings and Indian street animals to coexist with love and care. Pledging their support with CEP (Celebrating Excellence in Philanthropy), a not-for-profit event IP, where senior and upcoming philanthropists are honoured based on their contribution and dedication shown towards making a better tomorrow, the day marked the announcement of the second edition of the event CEP 2.0 as well. Speaking on the occasion, Priya Dutt, a popular social activist and politician, who believes in the cause of humanity for all said “Animal welfare to me is coexistence and respect of all living beings on earth and the environment.” She is the daughter of Legendary actors Sunil and Nargis Dutt, and sister to actor Sanjay Dutt. “Earth is our habitat. In ours, I don’t mean only humans. It is also for the animals, the birds and every being living and coexisting.” She is also the co-founder of Nargis Dutt Memorial Charitable Trust (NDMCT) which was started in memory of her mother, Nargis Dutt. “To all the people out there, welfare is not what you do for others in need, but for yourself! It makes you happy and gives you inner peace that you were able to make a difference. So make yourself happy by bringing that change around you,” she added. Priya Dutt of Nargis Dutt Foundation poses with Cwaty supporting the OOHA Movement and CEP 2.0 launch Maharshi Dave, one of the founding members of Sparsh Trust commented, “I believe in any cause that helps spread Smiles and encourages sharing, be it animals, humans or environment!” He is a renowned activist who has done more than his bit for humanitarian and animal welfare! He adds, “For me, animal welfare is the purest form of sharing. My take on Co-Existence is the realization that we Humans are a creation of Mother Nature, just like millions of other creatures.” He cannot stress enough on the need to respect and realize that our own existence depends on healthy coexistence! “Or as they say, ‘To take less, to share more’!” Maharashi Dave of Sparsh stands...

Mohit Garg Young Talented Digital Marketing Expert From Arun Digital Promotion Company

Mohit Garg Young Talented Digital Marketing Expert  From Arun Digital Promotion Company Arun Digital PR company is providing Jobs (Mohit Garg is one of them ) opportunities to many youths. It’s immense pleasure to share with you that Arun Digital PR company is providing job to many youths, via Digital world.  This company is providing platform to youths to explore their potential one such example is Mohit Garg. He is a student still studing in TDC and he is earning online along with his studies now his is earning sufficient to meet his family needs. Mohit did digital marketing courses from Arun Digital promotion company and earned his position As Marketing Head.   He Has given many novel  ideas to customers to get promotions in Social Media and to boost their sales, which have won clients hearts and reputation of Arun Digital Promotion...

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