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विश्व हिंदू सेवा संघ के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष रविन्द्र के द्विवेदी को महीला बाल विकास मंत्रालय भारत सरकार मे सदस्य बनाया गया।

विश्व हिन्दू सेवा संघ के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष रविन्द्र कुमार द्विवेदी को महीला बाल विकास मंत्रालय भारत सरकार मे सदस्य बनाया गया जिसकी खुशी में संगठन की मुम्बई इकाई ने माननीय रविंद्र के द्विवेदी सदस्य बनने के उपलक्ष्य मे स्वागत समारोह का अयोजन किया जिसमें माननीय द्विवेदी जी का सत्कार करने वालों की भीड़ इक्कठा हो गई जिसमें से वसई  भाजपा नेता संजय पांडे  भाजपा नेता संजय मिश्रा विश्व हिन्दू सेवा संघ के राष्ट्रीय सलाह कर पूर्व न्यायाधीश किशोर गायकवाड़ , एडवोकेट रुचि रविंद्र द्विवेदी, महाराष्ट्र प्रदेश अध्यक्ष संदीप वैद्य, आल इंडिया पोस्टमैन युनियन के महामंत्री श्रीपत नारायण रेवागड़े, एडवोकेट फ्रैंसिस, संगठन के महाराष्ट्र महामंत्री विजय बालकृष्ण सोनावने, गणेश पेडणेकर, म्यूजिक डायरेक्टर संजय उपाध्याय मुम्बई के जाने माने ज्योतिषाचार्य एवं संघ के संरक्षक श्री धरमदास शास्त्री जी, प. दीपक द्विवेदी जी, प. रोहित शास्त्री जी, कार्यालय प्रमुख सुभाष यादव, ड्रीम होम डेवलपर्स के डायरेक्ट गिरिश हेमचंद्र गुप्ते , राज कुमार उर्फ आर. के., जयसिंह श्रीराम चौहान एवं हजारों की तादाद में महिला एवं पुरुष कार्यकर्ता एकत्रित हुए । रविन्द्र के द्विवेदी ने पत्रकारों से कहा की  मुझे जो जवाब दारी दी गई है ।है मैं उसे पूरी जवाब दारी से निभाउंगा ।मेरी प्राथमिकता होगी की पूरे देश में बच्चो एवं महिलाओं के विकाश के लिए ज्यादा  से ज्यादा काम कर सकू और यौन उत्पीड़न वा महिलाओं के ऊपर हिंसक घटनाओं को रोंक संकू बता दें ।की आज उनकी पुत्री का जन्म दिन था भारी भीड़ के साथ कार्यकर्ताओं के बीच रविन्द्र द्विवेदी ने केक काटकर अपनी पुत्री का जन्म दिन भी मनाया    Ravindra K Dwivedi  the National President of Vishwa Hindu Seva Sangh  was made a member in the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of...


UFC GYM  INDIA OPENS ITS THIRD CLUB IN NOIDA SECTOR 104 IN THE STATE OF UTTAR PRADESH Noida, India – UFC GYM® today announced the continued expansion of its fitness footprint in India, with the opening of its third location in Noida. A growing business hub, Noida has the highest per capita income in NCR and is a popular location for the Indian entertainment industry, as many television programs and films are produced in the city annually. Spread over 10,000 square feet, UFC GYM® Noida offers a holistic fitness regimen for all individuals from different age groups and athletic abilities. This location offers strength and functional training, cardio, MMA skills and conditioning, as well as group fitness classes like yoga, zumba, spinning, salsa and many more! Monotony is something you will never experience! UFC GYM® is the first major brand extension of UFC®, the world’s premier mixed martial arts organization. UFC GYM expanded its global brand presence to India, which is comprised of the world’s second-largest population, partnership with Artaxerxes Fitness & Lifestyle Pvt. Ltd, led by Master Licensee Istayak Ansari and Farzad Palia. Master Licensee Istayak Ansari and Farzad Palia excitedly stated:”Equipped with a panoply of state-of-the-art equipment, top-notch coaching and an unparalleled community of fitness enthusiasts, UFC GYM®will offer the finest fitness experience in Noida.” Nikita Pant, Sub Licensee & Director of UFC GYM Noida, commented:, “UFC GYM is not the conventional set-up for fitness. UFC GYM Noida is an umbrella for various types of training such as functional fitness, strength and conditioning, as well as a wide range of fun group classes. UFC GYM not only provides a five-star experience, but also offers full-support in terms of sales, marketing, and operations to its franchisees.” About UFCGYM UFC GYM® is the first major brand extension of UFC®, the world’s premier MMA organization. In alliance with New Evolution Ventures™ (NeV), developers of many of the world’s most successful fitness brands. As the first to combine the worlds of MMA and fitness, UFC GYM’s TRAIN DIFFERENT® approach creates an atmosphere where members can see immediate results and appeals to all ages and training levels. UFC GYM is the ultimate fitness experience. The brand is not what you expect, and more than you can imagine. With 170 locations opened and over 700 currently in development, UFC GYM is revolutionizing the fitness industry. For more information, please visit www.ufcgym.com Follow UFC GYM at Facebook.com/UFCGYM, Twitter and Instagram: @UFCGYM; @UFCGYMIndia. Subscribe at YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/UFCgym About UFC UFC® is the world’s premier mixed martial arts organization (MMA), with more than...

Shree Cement’s Initiative – NAMAN To Provide Free Cement To The Families Of Armed Forces Martyrs To Build Houses

Shree Cement’s Initiative – NAMAN To Provide Free Cement To The Families Of Armed Forces Martyrs To Build Houses 4 December 2020, Jaipur: Lt Gen Alok Kler, PVSM, VSM, GOC-in-C, Southern Western Command, Indian Army, formally released the “Project Naman” – a National initiative of Shree Cement to provide free cement to the families of Armed Forces Personnel martyred in the past twenty years. The release of Naman Project comes as a run up to the Vijay Diwas which is observed each year on 16 December to mark India’s victory in 1971 Bangladesh War and remember the sacrifices of Indian soldiers. Under the Naman scheme, the family or the next of kin (NOK) of a Martyr who died in battle between 1st January 1999 to 1st January 2019 (20 Years), would be provided free cement to build a house on a plot size area of up to 4000 sq ft. The family of a Martyr may procure the cement in person  from any of Shree Cement’s manufacturing facilities spread across India. Addressing the house on the launch of ‘Naman’ initiative, Lt Gen Alok Kler, PVSM, VSM, GOC-in-C, Southern Western Command, Indian Army said, “It is a wonderful gesture by Shree Cement to extend their support and solidarity for our veterans, martyrs who have given their lives for the country. This kind of recognition is rare and unique. This initiative in true sense has cemented a place for the company in the annals of the army history for the welfare for our martyrs and I sincerely hope that other large industries take a page out of this book and look towards the army and especially the people who have laid down their lives for the human service while forgetting their families.” He further said that there is a lot more that needs to be done for the army and our soldiers who have laid down their lives in their line of duty and other corporates should also come forward for the welfare cause in the same lines. “Since cement is the most vital input for building a house, we felt that the Naman scheme would be extremely helpful towards meeting the housing needs of the families of Martyrs. It is a great honour for us to make a humble contribution to the families of our soldiers who rose above the call of service and laid their lives for the motherland. We salute the Martyrs of our nation. I take this opportunity to thank Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh Ji for his guidance and support in implementing the scheme,” said Mr Prashant Bangur, Joint Managing Director, Shree Cement...

Autolligent Wins Maharashtra Government Award For Its RPA Software

ServiceWire is E3 – Easy, Efficient & Economical solution for Field Service Management Using AI & Blockchain Bengaluru, India 24 August 2020: Autolligent, a Robo Process Automation Start-up, was announced as one of the winners of the Maharashtra Start-up Week (MSW) 2020 contest conducted by Maharashtra State Innovation Society (MSInS), a Government of Maharashtra initiative to boost start-up and innovation ecosystem in the State. Maharashtra Government would be piloting various innovative solutions in its departments ServiceWire from Autolligent automates the Field service management using new-age technologies like AI and Blockchain. ServiceWire from Autolligent replicates the way a human would interact with an application or system and then automates and records that task in service management delivery. RPA solution generate instant ROI for clients, when compared to other solutions. This is not the first recognition for Autolligent. It was selected as a part of the HexGn Startup Ready Program. A six-month online Startup Acceleration program by HexGn in partnership with Invest India (AGNIi, and Startup India) to boost technology-based entrepreneurs from India. Autolligent has already run the Proof of Concept (POC) with RailTel Corporation of India, a Government of India enterprise providing broadband and VPN services. In the PoC, Autolligent automated field user management to increase efficiency and transparency of the service process. Robo Process Automation with Blockchain and AI  is the way forward to streamline daily activities of SMB & Enterprises in the post COVID world, says Ms Patli, Founder and CEO of Autolligent. Globally Robotic process automation market is growing at a CAGR of 29.8{61307dbfb632870ba326f6322853bd3ffea5b163e9c789324eea2723926c15c1}. It is estimated to be $6.7 billion industry by 2026. “Many large enterprises have envisaged interest in automating the field service management as a Covid strategy” adds Mr Ebrahim Sonde, Head of Global Business & Strategy for Autolligent.   About Autolligent: Autolligent enables clients to exploit technology for business transformation fully. It provides Robotic Process Automation to increase efficiency and effectiveness. For more information about this topic, do reach out at – info@autolligent.com Contact: Autolligent Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Website: www.autolligent.com Email:...

Autolligent Wins Maharashtra Government Award For Its RPA Software

ServiceWire is E3 – Easy, Efficient & Economical solution for Field Service Management Using AI & Blockchain Bengaluru, India 24 August 2020: Autolligent, a Robo Process Automation Start-up, was announced as one of the winners of the Maharashtra Start-up Week (MSW) 2020 contest conducted by Maharashtra State Innovation Society (MSInS), a Government of Maharashtra initiative to boost start-up and innovation ecosystem in the State. Maharashtra Government would be piloting various innovative solutions in its departments ServiceWire from Autolligent automates the Field service management using new-age technologies like AI and Blockchain. ServiceWire from Autolligent replicates the way a human would interact with an application or system and then automates and records that task in service management delivery. RPA solution generate instant ROI for clients, when compared to other solutions. This is not the first recognition for Autolligent. It was selected as a part of the HexGn Startup Ready Program. A six-month online Startup Acceleration program by HexGn in partnership with Invest India (AGNIi, and Startup India) to boost technology-based entrepreneurs from India. Autolligent has already run the Proof of Concept (POC) with RailTel Corporation of India, a Government of India enterprise providing broadband and VPN services. In the PoC, Autolligent automated field user management to increase efficiency and transparency of the service process. Robo Process Automation with Blockchain and AI  is the way forward to streamline daily activities of SMB & Enterprises in the post COVID world, says Ms Patli, Founder and CEO of Autolligent. Globally Robotic process automation market is growing at a CAGR of 29.8{61307dbfb632870ba326f6322853bd3ffea5b163e9c789324eea2723926c15c1}. It is estimated to be $6.7 billion industry by 2026. “Many large enterprises have envisaged interest in automating the field service management as a Covid strategy” adds Mr Ebrahim Sonde, Head of Global Business & Strategy for Autolligent.    About Autolligent: Autolligent enables clients to exploit technology for business transformation fully. It provides Robotic Process Automation to increase efficiency and effectiveness. For more information about this topic, do reach out at – info@autolligent.com Contact: Autolligent Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Website: www.autolligent.com Email:...

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