
Book Lamp Post and Single Music Album Father of Indian Cinema Released


Last weekend, a Hindi poetry book “Lamp Post” authored by writer, poet, senior journalist, lyricist Sanjay ‘Amaan’ published by R.K. Publications was released. The event also witnessed the release of a single music album “Father of Indian Cinema” penned by Sanjay ‘Amaan’ himself in the presence of Chandrashekhar Pusalkar (grandson of DadasahebPhalke). The song especially dedicated to Dadasaheb Phalke was composed by Pawan Muradpuri and were rendered by Harmaan Nazim K Ali and Soumee Sailsh. The album is presented by Ample Missiion and produced by Ssan Media & Entertainment was on the music label of Ssan Music.

Dignitaries like Nandlal Pathak (Executive of Maharashtra State Sahitya Academy), Chief Guest Dr. Aneel Murarka (Industrialist, socialist and philanthropist), Special Guest Dr. Vinod Tibrewala (Chairperson of Shri Jagdishprasad Jhabarmal Tibrewala University and Trustee & President of Shri Rajasthani Seva Sangh’s institution), Chirag Gupta (Socialist and Vice President of BJP’s Uttar BharatiyaMorcha), Abhilash Awasthi (well-known author & journalist),Prof. KarunashankarUpadhyay (HOD Hindi Department, Mumbai University), Kamini Khanna (sister of actor Govinda and mother of actress Ragini Khan, singer, writer and founder of ‘Beauty with Astrology’ fame), Ajay Dixit (film actor), Sunil Pal (stand-up comedian, actor and filmmaker), Khanna Muzaffarpuri (well-known poet), Nawab Arzoo (poet and famous film and television lyricist, screenplay and dialogue writer), Hastimal Hasti (famous ghazal singer), RJ Prem Kumar (actor and anchor), Obaid Azam Azmi (well-known Urdu poet), Naveen Chaturvedi, lyricist Madan Pal and Asad Ajmeri, Hastima lHasti (poet), Devmani Pandey (poet who anchored the event) and others made their presence felt.

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