
Shruthi Shivalingaiah – Mrs Universe Pacific Island 2018


A Brief about yourself and how you describe your own Personality and Persona.

I am Shruthi. I am 37 years old; I’ve been married since 14 years and I am blessed with a son, who is 11-year-old. I am native to Mysore staying in Bangalore. My hobbies are:  Singing, dancing, costume designing, interior designing, gardening, sports/fitness, and cooking. I am adventurous and I love trekking.

I always challenge myself and keep persevering no matter what. I have strong mindset which motivates me to keep going and achieving my goals. I believe that the word RESILIENT describes me best.

I love the theme of fitness and well-being and use it as one of the core strengths in life. I enjoy working out as it gives me a sense of serenity and satisfaction. Our body is a temple where the spirit abides and it must be treated with care and respect, and I believe that a regular fitness regime is the least we can do to invest in our overall well-being.

I am motivated by my instincts and I feel that I am spiritually connected and positively influenced by the world around me and this experience drives me to help and take care of people. My adventurous side helps me connect with nature.

Ultimately, my family and friends are the greatest assets in life whom I have treasured well. They have always been the core of my strength and they will always be.

In conclusion, I believe that my body absorbs all the positive vibes emitted by my surroundings and that is what has shaped me as a person. Along with my unique nature, this has helped me stand out in the current generation.

Your Achievements that makes you feel high.

My biggest achievement is being a mother. I feel this is the phase that transformed me completely to a better human being. All credit goes to my son who is being such a great mentor since he started growing in my womb. He made me understand the different elements of humanity and the value of life. He always feels I am BEAUTIFUL and thinks I says that I am a SUPER WOMEN. This feeling is top of the world . I with my family celebrate this achievement/moment on April 27th of every year; my son’s birthday.

My family and friends are the greatest assets in my life, whom I have treasured well. I consider this also as one of my achievements. I always spend quality time with them.

Define the true beauty.

I think true beauty can only be felt and cannot be seen. The most beautiful experiences are just felt; they do not take any shape or form.

The word “beauty” seems to be simple, but simple things have deeper meaning in life. True beauty cannot be conveyed through words but only through experience. I feel to understand and feel the essence of true beauty the person should be a divine soul.

What makes a complete, healthy and happy family for you?

Family for me is like a Gurukul, where everyone shares the same lifestyle, follow the same discipline, and respect one another, where we learn, enjoy, and eat together. A place where the feeling of love and affection are conveyed in different flavors. Where everyone motivates, encourage, and appreciates each other. Where we learn the essence of gratitude and trust. Where friends are also a part of the family. This is the meaning of complete, healthy, and happy family. I have one, for which I am proud of.

What is your favorite Idea of Holidaying?

A holiday for me is taking a break from my usual schedule and relaxing. The place really doesn’t matter to me but it’s all about the quality time I spend with my loved ones. Peace Love Joy; I believe that these are the ingredients that make the best holiday.

Why you are participating in Mrs. India Queen of Substance?

Working for a good cause has always been there in back of my mind. This is a feeling that comes from within that positively pushes me to do good deeds when I receive the opportunity to do so.

There are many people who are less fortunate than I am, and I believe it is like a duty and responsibility of mine, as an individual to fill the society with good deeds and happiness.

As a whole, I think I am women of substance and more- I am more than what meets the eye. Therefore, I chose this platform to showcase my inner self and my talents, which can be used to benefit the society in one way or another.

What bothers you most about what is happening in the country today?

The following are the issues that bothers me the most:

  • Mindset of current generation- The way they view life as carefree with no dangers as explained more in the further category “Children Security”. This is important because they are the key resources who will be taking care of everything in future and are responsible for the building of the future.
  • Less importance to the homeless people- Even if they are talented, they don’t earn enough money. To comment on this, most homeless people don’t have the opportunity to be educated and therefore end up begging for money (which results in receiving harsh treatments).
  • Women Security and Rights- Women are largely taken for granted by many people in many countries. In most countries, women do not have many rights as Men. Sometimes they aren’t paid as much as men even if they perform better. In other situations, women aren’t allowed to get a job in specific field because they are thought of as weak. In ever stage of her life, she is judged based on stereotypes of a typical female. Despite the many protests against the limits of women rights, for example: The suffragette protests from 1858–1928 initiated by Emmeline Pankhurst, many countries still do not agree with the idea of freedom for women.
  • Children Security- Children security is being threatened by many people who take advantage of their innocence. Young kids are targeted in many states/countries for economical and/or personal motives. For older children like teenagers, and young adults, they get influenced by bad habits, for example, smoking, drinking, or addicted to some drugs. This can become a main cause for pollution too.
  • Climatic changes due to global warming- Pollution plays a big part in this that is caused by the increased number of smokers, drivers, and factories. It not only affects us but also nature and its animals.
  • Increased amount of crimes/criminals in the world- Despite learning about the negative impacts of crimes many criminals continue to lead such a life because they feel they get more out of it. This may be due to lack of education, awareness, and to the offence of the family and their culture. Though there are many penalty rates for the different crimes committed, many people believe that this does not help in minimizing the crime rate but rather increases the crime rate.

The impact of war on citizens, therefore forcing them to become immigrants.

The Quote or saying that encourages you?

Nothing is IMPOSSIBLE because impossible itself says ‘I’M Possible’!

What is true “Sportsmanship” for you?

Sportsmanship is all about upholding the spirit of the game, respect team members, abide to rules and regulations.

As lord Krishna says “nishkam Karma”, put efforts without any expectation because we have control over the efforts we emit and not over the results. The fruits of work should not be the motive, but should always remain active and cheerful through out.

Winning or loosing both give us different experiences and learnings. Effort is the KEY; “never give up” must be the ATTITUDE, and this is the HAT of Sportsmanship for me.

If you were selected as a Charity Ambassador What Value addition would you like to make for our Society and how?

  • Make people aware of the purpose of our charity- I would like to target smaller audience to start with and try to gradually influence a bigger mass of people by using awareness methods, for example, use public stages to make locals aware of the importance of our charity and use online forums/websites and social media with an updated blog of events, people we are aiding and information on the charity for everyone to see, not only in one city but worldwide.
  • Fundraising- I would like to conduct public events, such as stalls at public fairs, ‘donate for a free gift’ stall at a shopping mall, cake sales at school fairs and seasonal/holiday events (Fall concert, Christmas sale etc.). I would also like to influence educational institutes to have a few knowledgeable and interactive sessions to bring awareness about the bliss of our charity to as many people as possible.
  • What value addition I add? -Life long I have been indulged in my culture. I think this is the core for any charity act we commit for the society because it comes from the heart and soul.

I am a technical writer by profession. I bring in my writing and communication skills as experience to appeal the charity to the audience in understandable terms. During this period, I also had the experience of organizing events such as, CSR activities, conducting sports and cultural events to raise funds to donate to charities. I shall use these experiences along with technology for mass communication to bring awareness, organize campaigns, and raise funds.

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