
Sri Lanka’s Former President Mahendra Rajapaksa Accepted The Invitation Of Ramayan Conclave

Sri Lanka’s Former President Mahendra Rajapaksa  Accepted The Invitation Of Ramayan Conclave

Sri lanka’s former president Mahendra Rajapaksa accepted the invitation of Ramayan Conclave. It will be organised in upcoming January month in India . Invitation of international Ramayan Conclave was felicitated at a function held in Sri Lanka on July 21, by former sri lankan President Mahindra  Rajapaksa.Mahendra chaudhury, the chief spokesman of Conclave, said that many scholars and national and international artists, including the present and former head of state of 10 to 12 countries, will participate in the above function.In the same order, the former sri lankan President, shri Mahinda Rajapaksa  gave its consent to the programme. Under the above programme, an order to invite the top people of countries like Nepal, Bhutan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand Mauritius, dubai, etc has been initiated.According to dusyant singh, director of Conclave , the entire Ramcharitramanas has to be screened internationally by performing in a particular kind of music and it is widely spread and exhibited both nationally and internationally.


In the above  eminent artists from abroad will give their voice.According to ruchin tyagi,   In January, he will place his views on sri ram and ramcharitmanas who are coming from home and abroad, and the above programme will give wings to the idea of Lord sri ram making a big ramayana link in the tourism field, while connecting the devotees of Lord sri rama to the international level.In the above programme as per the organizers, the president of India, shri shri ram nath kovind ji and the Chief minister of Uttar Pradesh , representing the birth place of Lord shri ram, shri yogi adityanath, will also be invited to join the programme with an invitation.The preparations for the above programme are continuing with loud noise and as per organisers,  2020 will probably be the biggest event in the global.

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